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Welcome to Bread World Mission

Tai Po Bread Church

Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all nations

Jesus is the True VineWe are the Branches!


  1. 得救確據

  2. 靈修生活

  3. 禱告生活

  4. 讀經生活

  5. 教會生活

  6. 信仰生活

  7. 見證生活

  8. 順服生活

日期: 2024年11月17, 24日, 12月1, 8, 15, 22日, 1月5, 12日(共8課) 

時間: 主日崇拜後隨即開始(課堂1小時)

地點: 校牧室

對象: 未有系統接受初信栽培及有意成為栽培員之信徒

教授: 本堂堂主任何志彬傳道


# 完成8課者可獲本堂發出完成課程之證書


Our Vision

透過堂校合作, 讓青少年在成長中認識及經歷復活主及祂的大能,成為一個有異象有承擔,並滿有基督恩典與愛之大家庭。

Daily Scripture

"The hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshippers of the Father
Worship Him in spirit (in the Holy Spirit) and in truth (in truth),
For the Father seeks such people to worship him. God is a Spirit,
So those who worship him must worship him in spirit (in the Holy Spirit) and in truth (in truth).”

John 4:23-24

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Friendly Contact

Bread World Mission Association

Christian Bread World Evangelistic Mission Hong Kong Joint Mission Committee

Through the promotion and planning of the United Missions Council, a missionary cooperation relationship among all the Spiritual Bread Churches in Hong Kong has been established, uniting all the Spiritual Bread Churches in Hong Kong to use their spiritual, human and financial resources to jointly engage in global missionary work.

Bread World Mission

Bread World Mission
Hong Kong Bread Spirit Church

Hong Kong Ling Bread Church is a member church of the "Christian Ling Bread World Mission Association Federation", and the federation's member churches are spread across the United States, Canada, Indonesia, the Philippines, India and other places. Tai Po Ling Bread Church was established in 1999

Bread World Mission Association

Christian Bread World Mission Association

The Bread World Evangelistic Mission was founded by Pastor Zhao Shiguang in Shanghai in 1942. The Bread World Evangelistic Mission Union is one of the organizations of the Bread World Evangelistic Mission. The Union's member churches include Bread churches in Hong Kong, Indonesia, North America, and a total of 44 Bread churches in Australia, India, the Philippines, etc.

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